Friday, October 10, 2008

Flying Phobia

Every where I turn it seems that I have decisions to make.

I'm excited and terribly terribly nervous for our upcoming trip. I called the doctor today to get a perscription for Xanax. I simply cannot be on an airplane for more than 3 or 4 hours without having a meltdown. And I mean a serious meltdown. So, they are calling it in for me.

But, as I was talking to the doctors office today, I started freaking out. My heart started racing, my face got flushed, I edged ever nearer to that panic line. Being cooped up in the airplane just freaks my ass out. Even typing this I can feel my heart start to pound. A co-worker asked me if it's going to help with my husband on the flight with me on the way out and I said absolutely not. If we crash, we leave our children orphans. Which MAKES IT SO MUCH WORSE! Shit, I think I could use a Xanax now. :)

Anyway, Italy sounds so exotic and romantic. I've been there once - but didn't get any time to see anything. Maybe this time I'll get a bit of a chance to do some sightseeing. Plus, Hubby will be there over the weekend. A weekend in Italy without the kids - OMG! It just sounds heavenly.

If I can get there without having a nervous breakdown.

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