Saturday, November 1, 2008


I just got home from a friend's open house. She just finished her remodel and OMG her house is amazingly gorgeous. It's like a magazine (well, it actually was featured in a magazine.) I am so jealous.

We have Taekwondo testing in just a few minutes. Hopefully, if I pass, I will become a red belt-decided. That would be cool. However, with the Italy trip, and multiple other things in the way, I don't have as many classes as I should. However, I feel really confident in the form.

After that, we will rush and get a bit of food and then go to a Halloween party. I'm just really glad that soccer games were cancelled due to the rainy weather today. It would have just been too much to fit into one day. However, I HATE THE RAIN! I HATE THE COLD GREY WEATHER! RAIN MAKES ME DEPRESSED! So, it's supposed to be sunny at the end of the week.

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