Sunday, November 29, 2009

Back To Work

I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm not at all excited about it. The only good thing is that I only have to work for 3 weeks before I get some time off for Christmas. Fortunately or unfortunately - things at work get EXTREMELY busy in the first couple of weeks of December. Projects that are due by the end of the year are kicked into high gear. Budgets wrap up - and end of the year close happens. This is where I come in - spending the remaining budgets, getting ready for the 2010 budgets and finalizing plans. And everyone is paniced becaused they want to get it done before they go on vacation.

Anyway - I like being busy - it makes the day go by faster. But, it's also busy in my personal life. Christmas shopping, decorating, kids holiday shows, baton competition season starts, parties, etc, etc, etc.. I have to major doctor things I need to get taken care of in the next few weeks (gotta get them in before my insurance deductible resets in 2010. It's just difficult with all this H1N1 stuff to get in to actually see the doctor.) I need to get two facial moles removed and I need to get my knee fixed. My two moles have always been "beauty marks" but, now they are just getting really big and they are more like scary witches moles on the face. It's time for them to be removed.

That's all... I'd like to get up early and go to the gym tomorrow... We'll see how that works out.

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