Saturday, November 7, 2009

Busy - Less Busy - Busy

The last few months have been pretty tough around our house. Here has been our schedule:

Monday: Work, Allergy shots, Softball from 6-8pm...
Tuesday: Early morning workout from 5:00 - 6:30am, work, leave early - bust ass - soccer from 5-6 and baton from 4-8.
Wednesday: Work and then Blissfully open evening (in which we usually watch the biggest loser)
Thursday: Early morning workout from 5:00 - 6:30am, work, soccer from 5-6, Softball from 6:30 - 8:30
Friday: Work, Guitar lesson 6:30 - 7:00

No time for Taekwondo in there at all. No time for anything. We were barely able to get our grocery store and laundry done. I can say it left me a little raw.

Now, softball is over, and the time has changed, so no more softball practice and soccer practice is too early to make it there if we have to work.

Our house was a disaster. We were all a little bit stressed out. We were all just ready to have a break.

So, right now we are in our - not as busy timeline. We can go back to Taekwondo. We can all sort of get back to a little more normal...

But, Christmas is right around the corner. Our Baton competition season starts in just a few weeks. Things will get busy - but in a different way.

I think I'll just take a deep breath and try to sleep in tomorrow. :P

1 comment:

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