Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Evening

I am so damn cool...

Here is my evening...

Drinking wine...
Playing on-line bunco (because I don't have enough real-life friends to invite me to a real bunco game. I deal with almost all men all the time, yo.)
Drinking a little more wine...
Knitting with my Knifty Knitter - knitting a furry green hat with yarn I got at the dollar store (and you wonder why I don't have many real-life friends?) I actually just finished my hat and it looks sort of like Oscar the Grouch. Hmmmm...
Drinking more wine....
Listening to songs on my iPhone which I've completely filled with most awesome music...
Maybe after I'm pretty comfortably sauced I'll play rockband with Hubby... I'm the singer - and you know what is awesome - A JET!!! THAT'S WHAT IS AWESOME!! (Rockband reference - we got a jet last night.)

I know all of you wish you could be me... But, carry on.. Only I get to be the coolest one...

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