Sunday, April 13, 2008

Plan - Schman

I was going upload videos tonight and even do some editing to make them super awesome. But, I didn't. The day sort of got away from me. I still have to write up invitations to Bubba's birthday party this evening, so I guess I'll just try to get it done another time.

Disgustingly, I have a work meeting at 4am tomorrow morning. It's with the folks in Italy (I see this becoming more and more common) - I think I'm just going to roll out of bed at 3:50 and dial in from home. What makes this so gross is that I still have late meetings with the folks in China. I think I really dislike this global stuff.

Prissy isn't going to be able to go to her baton lesson tomorrow because she has GATE testing in the afternoon close to our home. Then, I have to get to a Taekwondo class, I've missed the last several classes because of the baton competition and testing is this week.

Also this week is Bubba's birthday - his party isn't until next week, but we are excited about him turning the big 7. It's just amazing to me.

Sorry to be so quick tonight - but I have to finish up the invitations and a bizillion other things, so I can go to bed and then get up in 3 hours. :D

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