Friday, October 3, 2008

Morning Post

I know you must be shocked, I'm writing a morning post. My parents are out visiting and I figured I'd get this off my list of things to do before they arrived this morning.

I've had a rather productive two days - since I'm on vacation, I got a bunch of insurance stuff straightened out and a bunch of stuff rescheduled (getting ready for our upcoming trip.)

I'm currently in the middle of filling out some online paperwork and the site is SO SLOW!!!! So, while things are loading, I figured I might as well multi-task and get some other things done.

Anyway, we've been SO looking forward to the soccer games tomorrow, but here is a snapshot of the weather. EW! A 90% chance of rain tomorrow? Gross. This would be the first real rain of the season. Gross.

So, wish for sunny skies for us!

(Ugh! On a side note, the website I was filling out forms for just crashed. DANG IT!)

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