Monday, June 2, 2008

Ode to My Grill

Oh my dear Grill
How I love thee
When I clean you up
And cook on you for the first time of the season
I know that summer is here.

Grilly ole boy
It took me long to learn
to buy you good brushes
to clean you with
Cheap ones suck ass

To the flaming one
Propane isn't good enough for you.
Natural gas is what you demand.
You are a spoiled gleaming grill.

Gas burning wonder
you cook my burgers just right
corn on the cob
pork loin
you laugh at each and cook them divinely.

I love you knight in shining Charbroil grill!


Sam said...

He is gorgeous, you must be so proud.

Cece said...

I echo your grill love - nothing better than a summer meal done up on the grill. Here from NCLM.

DC said...

I miss my grill!! It died of old age. We don't want to replace it because we're buying a new house in the fall. But going all summer without BBQ might kill me!

alicia said...

ha ha so cute! I agree, it isn't summer till the bar-b-q is lite!

Have a great summer!

Here from NaComLeavMO