Saturday, August 2, 2008

Flakey Girl

Holy crap -

In all honestly, this has been a really really horrible week. I haven't even really wanted to talk about it because it's just been extremely bad.

But, because I've been rather preoccupied about work issues, I totally and completely forgot about the end of the year baton party for Prissy. I feel really bad about it - I feel bad that Prissy missed it and I feel bad that I just forgot about it (I really enjoy the parents as well.)

Ok, so I sent my apologies. But, then this morning, I totally and completely overslept (I haven't been sleeping well because of the work stress) and I missed Bubba's Taekwondo class this morning (I'm very glad that Bubba had gone to two classes this week already). But still... He's testing for his black belt at the end of the month and needs every class he can get.

In summary - I'm totally flaking out. Too much going on. School ending, trying to figure out what to do before the new "real" school starts. Soccer starts next week and we had all of our orientation meetings this week. I am usually really good with juggling all the balls. But, it just seems like there is one ball too many and I'm dropping them all.

Next week:

Monday - Work, field trip for Bubba, Taekwondo
Tuesday - Work, Kids end of the year party, Soccer, Haircuts for the boys, maybe taekwondo?
Wednesday - Work, Soccer, field trip for Prissy (also last day of summer school for kids)
Thursday - Work and taking care of the kids, soccer, taekwondo, haircut for me.
Friday - work, taking care of the kids, soccer, taekwondo: OH WAIT. I just remembered, we are going camping for the weekend.

What I don't mentioned in here is that I also need to find a pool service. I also need to take teh kids for back to school supplies and clothes. There is a doctor's appointment for Prissy sometime - she isn't fully vacinated - I must have flaked on her last vaccine, but I can't remember when it is off the top of my head. There is too much going on. I'm glad for the break in baton. I keep telling myself that it will be better when we can get all settled in the new school. (at least that's what I'm telling myself.) And maybe when I can get my house into at least into a picked up state (it's clean (thank you Molly Maids) but so cluttered.)

Anyway, feeling a little crazy, a little cranky, a little (okay a lot) overwhelmed (and I don't often feel overwhelmed.) All in all - totally and completely out of control. Ugh.

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