Monday, August 4, 2008

This Week in Pictures

I figured I'd post few pictures tonight - take the lazy way. It is Monday

I have no idea what Oreo is doing with her mouth here. But, I think she was cleaning Jasmine and just... Well, I don't know what she was doing...
kitties 003

Here is a few of the kids in the pool
pool_kitties 001

Prissy's turn
pool_kitties 003

Glub Glub Glub
pool_kitties 009

Chilling with her peeps
pool_kitties 010


Sam said...

Oreo says "I nom nom nom and then I lick mah chops."

Karla May said...

I'm so glad that Oreo and Jasmine are friendly now. I can't get OVER how big Jasmine is already!!