Monday, February 11, 2008

Long and Busy Day

Work today was work. *big sigh* Monday's truly are the suck. I have meetings solidly from 8am until 5pm. The kids didn't have school today and Hubby stayed at home with them.

Prissy had a baton lesson this evening and Hubby came and dropped her off and I stayed for the lesson. We raced home, I had some left over rice-a-roni for dinner and I have a pile of ironing to do tonight. It's especially important to get it done because we have taekwondo belt testing tomorrow. I get to go on a field trip with Bubba, and then we have to race back to home base and get dressed and race to testing. It's a 5pm for him, and then 6pm for adults. There are many black belts testing so testing will likely go until 8pm. So, I think I'm going to have to pack dinner for him and Prissy or something.

Anyway, rant off. I need to go flatten me some dobaks.

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