Friday, January 11, 2008

Not so great Mommy Day

Ok - so, yesterday when I went to pick my kids up, my son came out sobbing. He had said this kid had been hitting him and spitting in his face and wouldn't stop so he told the afterschool teacher and he told me she said to stop being a tattletale. I was furious and was planning on talking to the principal this afternoon. I believe that a teacher needs to stop a child when they are hitting another child. This story didn't surprise me because this kid is sort of a brat and always has been - but this is escalated from even his normal brattiness.

I got a call from the "real" teacher this afternoon. Apparently, that entire story was completely made up. This is what really happened. The bratty kid had taken away a piece of crafting foam from Bubba. Bubba grabbed it back, the kid grabbed it again. Bubba went and told the afterschool teacher and the afterschool teacher and told bratty kid to give it back and told Bubba that he wouldn't do it anymore (completely appropriate response from the teacher.) But, bratty kid grabbed it again and wouldn't give it back. Bubba - really pissed off about now kicked this kids chair and the chair fell over backwards and Bratty hit his head on the ground. They took him to the office and put ice on it. Unfortunately, when he got home that night, he started vomiting and ended up in the ER. Bratty kid had a concussion. Oh shit....

So.many.emotions... First - Bubba flat out lied to me - telling me this huge story about bratty hitting him and spitting in his face. Also, he almost got a teacher in serious trouble. Second - HE.SENT.A.KID.TO.THE.HOSPITAL!!!! I know that wasn't his intention. But, he should never ever have kicked the chair. Oh, I'm really embarrased. I'm really upset and I don't know what to do about this situation at all. He has been so so so good - not even fighting with his sister. We had a long talk this evening - and he just started crying and said he felt really bad about hurting Bratty. I think he still needs some sort of punishment - but, I just don't know what...

Anyway - not the best Mommy Day...

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