Saturday, May 17, 2008

Crap what a long day

Prissy's state baton twirling championship was amazingly long. We had
to be there at 7:15 this morning and ended up leaving early at 10 pm.
Prissy was so tired she didn't want to stay for the final awards
ceremony. She had all the trophies she won already. Staying would just
mean she would be in the solo winners picture.

Anyway - prissy did awesome. She came home with 3 first place
trophies. That's damn good at states.

Our hotel moved us to a room with air conditioning - which I'm
grateful for. The gym was air conditioned - which was good because it
was over 100 in this bay area town.

So, we sleep in for a bit tomorrow and then drive directly to a
birthday party for prissy's best friend.


Sent from my iPhone

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